Laysion Network Architecture

The diagram above shows the full process of cross-chain asset transfers in Laysion:

  • LayHub is in the middle, with LEV on both ends..

  • Grey represents the initiator of the transaction (user), and yellow represents the receiver of the transaction (liquidity provider).

In Laysion, cross-chain assets consist of two main modules: the consensus layer (Laysion Hub, referred to as LayHub) and the public chain execution contracts (Laysion Exchange Vessel, referred to as LEV).

  • LayHub: A permissionless consensus network with cross-chain communication capabilities, ensuring business processing of cross-chain assets and infinite scalability, with complete interoperability.

  • LEV: Smart contracts for asset exchange, deployed on various public chains, interacting seamlessly with LayHub to ensure operations are executed according to predefined rules.

The specific process is as follows:

  1. The user initiates a transaction on the source chain LEV, defining the transaction purpose and target chain information, and freezing the assets. At this point, the source chain contract generates transaction information according to the rules and sends the information to LayHub (creating a key, generating a hash, and including the hash in the transaction information).

  2. LayHub verifies the identity of the transaction initiator and the transaction funds, matches the transaction request, and sends the transaction information to the target chain contract upon successful matching.

  3. The target chain contract creates the transaction based on the transaction information, defines the transaction content, freezes the assets, and synchronizes with LayHub upon completion.

  4. LayHub synchronizes the status with the source chain LEV, allowing the transaction, revealing the key, and sending a signal to LayHub.

  5. LayHub, upon receiving the signal, informs the target chain LEV of the key, which then performs the unlocking operation.

  6. Both sides' LEVs transfer assets simultaneously through LayHub's status synchronization. The source chain LEV delivers the blue assets to yellow, and the target chain LEV delivers the yellow assets to blue.

From the actions performed by both LEVs, we can see that we utilize hash-encrypted data transfer. Despite LayHub's coordination, the transaction itself remains atomic, with no risk or trust assumptions. Additionally, LayHub's transaction coordination and status synchronization simplify the originally complex atomic transaction into the simplest transaction mode (similar to trading on Uniswap).

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