Consensus Layer

The diagram above shows some tasks performed by the consensus layer.


AML: Anti-Money Laundering

CFT: Counter-Financing of Terrorism

AML/CFT is often difficult to address in decentralized operations because it requires a comprehensive database, complex address/transaction classification, and a series of related analyses and judgments. This is obviously beyond the scope of a smart contract.

Moreover, most projects/users are reluctant to address AML/CFT, believing that doing so would compromise decentralization.

Firstly, LayHub can easily perform this task and solve the issue:

  • LayHub consists of at least 13 validation nodes, each with an independent risk characteristic database.

  • Performing AML/CFT checks is a fundamental principle ingrained in the transaction processing.

Secondly, AML/CFT is a necessary trend and viewpoint for maintaining a steady and secured growth while ensuring normal global development.

Many projects are hindered whenever a government body begins to investigate or orders a project to halt all operations. To adhere and to prevent this from happening, Laysion Team will ensure that all AML features for example: transaction monitoring and security monitoring are up to date and by the book.

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